Chasing Dragonflies Read online

Page 13

  “Yeah, and the reception was terrible, the only channels that worked properly were channel four and eight. So it was either wild animal documentaries or old movies. On the plus side I now know all about African elephants,” she giggled. “Sadly Dad broke it in one of his temper tantrums.” Memories of that day came flooding back, she had been watching a soppy romance when he came in. She had tears on her cheeks, her dad could never stand to see her cry. He had flown off the handle, yelling that the TV was no good, he had picked it up off the small table it was on and thrown it down onto the floor. When it had not broken straight away, he had left the room and brought back a hammer. Smashing it into a million pieces, all the while yelling and cursing.

  “Did he have temper tantrums often?”

  “Dragonflies,” she said using their agreed code word. “Actually you know, I think I don't want to talk about him any more today. What about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “Well, what about your daughter? How old is she? What's her name?”

  “Her name is Shyla and she is three years old. She will be four just before Christmas.”

  “Were you married to her mum?”

  He nodded.

  “What happened with you two?”

  “Dragonflies,” she felt him tense under her touch and knew she had hit a sore point. Not that is was any of her business anyway.

  “Okay... so mechanics? Did you always want to be a mechanic?”

  Dex chuckled, “No, actually I wanted to be artist, but apparently there was more money in being a mechanic.”

  She propped herself up on her elbows so she could see his eyes. “An artist? Do you paint?”

  “No, I draw mostly. Portraits and stuff. That's how I came to be friends with Tony. We bonded over a love of art.”


  “Yeah, he is my tattooist.”

  Okay so that made sense, that's why he had so many tattoos.

  “So why didn't you follow that path as well?”

  “Turns out Tony was way better at it than me,” he let out a humourless laugh. “I did give Tony a tattoo once, when he was learning. It was a little love heart, with his then girlfriends name in it.

  “One more... can I ask what happened to your hip?” Dex visibly flinched at that, as if someone had hit him.

  “Car accident,” he ground out through clenched teeth. “Burnt it, had a skin graft, it didn't take so well, left this hideous scarring.”

  Maddie had felt the scarring before she had seen it, it took up the full length of his right hip. Starting at this hip bone and extending to the top of his thigh. The skin was pinched and raised, almost like a bubbling effect.

  “It's not hideous,” she defended, and it was not as far as she was concerned. It was just that she was curious about it, she had not wanted to upset him.

  “What happened?”

  “Dragonflies,” Dex responded looking away.

  “Okay. No worries.” Clearly they both had secrets that they did not want to talk about. She was okay with that. At least she knew he would understand her being hesitant to talk about her own secrets.

  Chapter 21

  Dex had stayed for the rest of the weekend, Patrick kept his distance. He made some excuse about having to work. Maddie was not sure how true that was, but was grateful he was giving her some space.

  She was still asleep on Monday morning when she felt the tickle of Dex's beard on her bare back, followed by his soft lips as they peppered tiny kisses all the way down her spine. It felt amazing, not just the sensation on her skin that was setting her on fire, but waking up with Dex in her bed. She had never left home. The few nights she had managed to steal away with Tom had been on camping trips. Whilst they were fun, they were nothing like what she felt now, waking up with this gorgeous man kissing her.

  “Ahh,” she let out a long sigh.

  Dex looked up from where he was kissing her and shot her a smile.

  “Good morning Sweetheart,” he whispered, then he carried on with his kisses.

  He kissed her all the way down to her toes, making her giggle. It took all her will-power not to kick out at him. Dex let out a low sexy, rumbling laugh. He knew exactly what he was doing to her. Gently rolling her onto her back, he started working his way back up her leg, leaving tiny kisses along the way. As he reached the top of her thigh, she started to tremble a little in anticipation and she was not disappointed. Dex continued with his kisses, over her bare shaved skin, darting his tongue out and circling it around her most sensitive area.

  Knowing Patrick was asleep in the next room, she bit down on her lower lip in an effort to keep quiet. One hand fed into Dex's hair, the other into the sheets as sensation over took her and she cried out, while her body convulsed. Completely forgetting about Patrick in the next room. Completely forgetting everything in the whole world, except what she was feeling right in this very moment. She was panting heavily as he came back to lay beside her, laying kisses along her neck, while her breathing evened out.

  “I have to go to work now baby,” he gave her a sad smile, as he reached over and placed a kiss on her lips.

  “No, don't go...” she pleaded.

  “Have too, sorry,” another kiss, then he was up, out of her bed, leaving a huge empty space and warm sheets behind.

  She stretched out across the sheets where he had just been and watched as he pulled his boxers on, then his jeans.

  “Will you come back?”

  He moved to sit on the edge of the bed, and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her in for a hug.

  “Do you want me too?”

  She raised her eyebrows at him. Surely he wasn't being serious.

  “Atomic bombs, couldn't keep me away baby,” he laughed again, before leaning forward and kissing her.


  As promised Dex did come back. Every day that week in fact, he either called or turned up on her doorstep. Usually around four. A few times he picked her up during the day and took her to help him with jobs. She was pretty sure she was not much help, but she enjoyed spending the time with him. Patrick was working most evenings now which meant they had the house to themselves.

  She learnt more about him, more about Shyla and his Dad. He never spoke again about his accident and she did not bring it up. She opened up a little more to him about her time in captivity. Told him how she missed her dad. He was a lot less judgemental than Patrick and Xavier. She guessed as he was less attached to the situation.

  The media attention had started to die off now. She was grateful for that. She had turned down a very lucrative deal with a prominent woman’s magazine to sell her story. Xavier told her she was crazy, but she already knew that.

  Saturday morning she awoke and reached out for him, finding the bed cold. She had grown used to waking next to him in her bed and keenly felt his loss.

  Slipping out of bed, she pulled on a white silky robe, pulling the belt around and tying it at her waist. The bedroom door was ajar, so she moved through it silently.

  It was not that she meant to sneak up on him, but as she moved across the polished wood floor in her bare feet, she was aware of her silence. Sitting at the table in the kitchen, head down she found him. Moving in closer and peering over his shoulder to see what he was doing, she could see a charcoal image of her face coming alive on a stark white piece of paper. Furiously his right hand arced across the page and she stood watching riveted. She had never seen something so amazing. Her own features coming alive on the page. He had told her he liked to draw, but she had yet to see any of his work.

  “Wow! That is amazing,” she whispered.

  Dex visibly jumped in his chair.

  “I didn't know you were awake,” he let out on a chuckle.

  “Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a kiss on his cheek. “How can you do that?” She asked gesturing to the page that lay out on the table in front of him.

  “What draw?”

/>   “Yeah I wasn't even here and yet, that is so amazing and life-like. It's like looking in a mirror, you have such an amazing talent.”

  Moving his chair back from the table he pulled her down into his lap, studying her face. He brought a finger up and hooked a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

  “I know every part of your beautiful face Maddie. All I have to do when you are not with me is close my eyes and there you are. I love you.”

  Maddie's heart skipped a beat. Dex just told her he loved her. She loved him too. Leaning forward she placed a soft kiss on his lips. Dex's hand slipped down under her robe, running down her side, causing her to shudder. Every time he touched her it felt like the first, she could not get enough of him.

  They were interrupted by a throat clearing.

  “Are you two at it again...jeez I'm going to have to find somewhere else to live at this rate.” Came Patrick's voice as he entered the kitchen.

  Maddie stood up and waved Patrick closer. “Come, look at this Trick,” she said pointing at the drawing Dex was working on. “Isn't it amazing?”

  Patrick leant over Dex's masterpiece, then smiled up at Maddie, “It looks just like you...beautiful.”

  Dex abruptly rose from the table, snatching the picture up in one hand and his pencils in another and stalked off to Maddie's room. She knew he didn't like Patrick and thought he was being a bit petulant so she let him go and went about organising some breakfast.

  Rifling through the kitchen cupboards she snagged the pan she was looking for. It was her favourite. She knew her mum would have kept it. Her mum threw nothing out. Mostly that made for a lot of hoarded junk, but on this occasion she was happy.

  She had not needed to cook much, as Patrick was pretty happy to kick her out of the kitchen and do it for her. But she wanted to make breakfast for Dex. That would cheer him up. She hoped.

  “Knock, knock,” she called out at her own bedroom door. Feeling silly, it was her own room, but she didn't want to barge in on him.

  When there was no answer, she reached out and wrapped her hand around the door handle. As she was about to turn it, the door swung open and Dex was standing in the doorway.

  “Sorry sweetheart,” he said swooping her into his arms.

  She pulled back and made eye-contact with him.

  “What was that all about?”

  She felt him tense, his jaw worked back and forth and he closed his eyes. After a long moment he let out a long sigh.

  “I don't like the way he talks to you. I don't like the way he looks at you.”


  “I know, he's your friend,” he carried on, not letting her talk. “I just want you all to myself, is that such a bad thing?”

  “Oh Dex,” she smiled, her heart melting that little bit more. How could she be mad at him when he said things like that? Her lips met his in a passionate kiss. When he finally pulled away she announced she had made him some breakfast and he better come eat it before it went cold.

  “Awesome, then after breakfast I want to take you to meet someone.”

  Chapter 22

  Maddie was nervous about meeting Dex's dad. She really was not sure what to expect. Although Dex had talked about him quite a bit. Dex must have sensed her nerves as he reached out and grabbed her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

  “You'll love him I promise. He's very laid back,” he gave her a reassuring smile.

  She smiled back at him, if he was anything like Dex, she already knew she would love him.

  Pulling into the drive, she took in the old house. It was a weatherboard on stumps. The house looked well maintained, but the gardens where overgrown with weeds. Obviously neither Dex nor his dad were gardeners. There were three small steps leading up to an open deck. On the deck she could see a man sitting at a small patio table. Her nerves leapt up another notch at the realisation it must be Dex's dad.

  The truck came to a rambling halt. Dex climbed out of his door and before she had a chance to gather her thoughts he was standing by her side with her door open. As she moved to get out, he reached out and placed his hands on her waist and lifted her to the ground, his hand coming down and swatting her butt giving her a little giggle.

  “C'mon then, let’s go meet the old man,” he leant forward placing a gentle kiss in her hair. He grasped her hand in his and pulled her toward the house.

  Dex's dad stood as they approached, he was a stocky man in his late fifties. Not as tall as Dex, similar coloured hair although it was grey around the edges and he still had a headful. He also sported a long beard that hung down to his chest.

  “Hey Son,” he called out in a deep booming voice as they approached.

  “Hey Dad.” Dex lurched forward giving his dad a man hug, one arm around his shoulders, the other hand still holding hers.

  “This beautiful lady must be Maddie?” He stated turning toward her and wrapping an arm about her, pulling her in for a hug.

  Maddie was shocked and took a step back, she had not expected him to hug her. Quickly regaining her equilibrium, she schooled her features, not wanting to offend him with her reaction.

  “Hi Mister Dexter,” she said quietly, flashing him a smile.

  “Nah, none of that Mister bullshit, you call me Charlie.”

  “Okay, Charlie.”

  “Now grab a chair, I'll go stick the kettle on.”

  He pulled a plastic patio chair up for her and gestured for her to sit, unsure she looked to Dex who gave her a wink, showing his approval, so she tentatively sat on the hard plastic. Dex leant over her and whispered in her ear.

  “Relax sweetheart it will be okay and if it's not we can go at any time okay?”

  She had to love that about him, he was so understanding, and seemed to be able to read her emotions, knowing when she was uncomfortable in certain situations. She reminded herself over and over again, that while he was there, it would be okay.

  “I'll just go help Dad with the coffees and be back in sec okay?”

  “Yeah sure,” she nodded relaxing back into the chair. It was a pleasant morning with a soft breeze blowing. She was glad she had chosen a top with long flowing sleeves as it could almost be a little chilly.

  A plane flew overhead and she watched it as it sped across the sky, wondering where it might be headed. Once upon a time, she had thought she might travel. Her and Tom. Indonesia had been on their immediate list, maybe Europe after a few years of working, before they settled and started a family.

  “Here we go then.” Charlie's voice wrenched from her thoughts back to the present. He placed her steaming mug of coffee on the table, then walked to the opposite side of the table with his own. Dex pulled up a chair, settling in beside her.

  “Thanks Charlie,” she smiled at the older man.

  “You're very welcome, it’s nice to have some pretty around here to dilute the ugly for a change,” he chuckled at his own joke. “So where are you from Maddie? Do you live nearby?”

  “Ah, yeah just in the foothills actually.”

  Charlie nodded, “Nice. What about work? What do you do for a living?”

  “Ahh,” she looked around feeling unsure about all these questions. Surely Dex had told him about her?

  “Dad, it’s not the Spanish inquisition,” Dex scorned.

  Charlie lifted his hands up in front of himself. “What? I'm just making small talk.”

  “It’s okay Dex,” Maddie soothed, moving her hand on his thigh and smoothing it over his jean clad leg. “Sorry Charlie...I have had a bit of a hard time recently. My dad held me captive in the shed in my backyard for six years.”

  “Madd...” Dex blurted, giving her a stern look. Obviously he had not told his dad. She would have once thought everyone knew. She had been surprised when she learnt that Dex didn't know, now his dad as well? Maybe they did not have a television.

  “No it's okay... he asked,” she smiled at him, looking to Charlie who sat staring at her from the other end of the table. “So to answer your question, no I
do not have a job at the moment. I have to have physio once a week still. I nearly died from pneumonia and my brother’s girlfriend saved my life. Right before my mum killed my dad.”

  Charlie suddenly began coughing, his face turned red, then purple as he doubled over in his chair, choking. Dex leapt from his chair and closed the space between him and his dad in one large stride, bringing a hand down on the centre of his back.

  Maddie was horrified. Had she done this to him? Maybe she had said too much...she seemed to have a habit of doing that.

  “Oh gosh, oh Charlie,” she ran to his side and stroked his shoulder as he gasped for air struggling to regain his breath. She knew only too well how that felt. “I am so sorry,” she gushed. She looked at Dex, pleading to him with her eyes. “I'm sorry Dex.”

  “It's okay Love,” Charlie placed his hand over hers where it rested on his shoulder. “I'm sorry, shit girl. I never expected you to tell me that.” He shot an angry glance at his son.

  She leant over him, looking into his eyes, a darker blue than Dex's. “Are you sure you're okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I'm good.”

  “I'm sorry, I would have thought Dex would have told you,” she apologised as she took her seat back across the other side of the table and picked up her coffee, taking a sip.

  Charlie shot his son another look that Maddie could not quite decipher. “Hmm, seems he only tells me what he thinks I need to know.”

  “Sorry Dad,” Dex said hanging his head, before turning to Maddie. “I didn't think you would like me spreading your story all over the place, I know you don't like people to know.”

  “Pity,” she barked out. “It's people's pity I don't want. I lived through six years as a prisoner in my own backyard and all people want to do is pity me.” Her voice raised a little and she took a deep breath to try to calm herself. “It's still my life, not talking about it doesn't mean it never happened.”

  “Are you the young girl that was on the news a little while back?” Charlie piped up.

  “Oh so you have heard of me?”

  “I don't watch much telly, but I was out in the truck one day when they had something on the news. Wasn't your dad that copper? He was involved with the Marco Brothers investigation wasn't he?”