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Chasing Dragonflies Page 16

  “Do you remember me?”

  “Um...” Maddie stammered, “I think, maybe...” her eyes fell to the pile of white fabric in the woman's arms as realisation slowly seeped in. “Vera?” she asked tentatively.

  Vera had been her dress-maker. She had spent months, scouring bridal magazines after Tom had proposed. Searched every shop in the city. Dragged her poor mother around everywhere. She could not find the perfect dress. In desperation, her mum had suggested she design her own. She attended a night school class on basic fashion design and spent many hours attempting to draw what she had in her head. In the end she cut out pictures from bridal magazines, swapped and changed the various parts of the different designs around until she had decided on the perfect combination.

  Then she had rang every dress maker on their side of the city until she had accidentally happened upon Vera. She was someone Aunty Polly had suggested. One afternoon they had sat down with Vera and nutted out the design. Vera had been positive she could make the dress look exactly the way Maddie wanted.

  Now as a twist of fate, of all the days, here Vera stood on her door step, holding her wedding dress.

  “Ahh come in?” she offered weakly.

  Vera walked in, clutching what Maddie now recognised as her wedding dress.

  “I ahh...I know this a little weird but I brought your dress back,” Vera said holding out the dress for Maddie to take. She reached out and scooped it from the woman's arms, and laid it down on the couch. Then led her through to the kitchen.

  “I can't believe you kept it all this time.”

  “What was I to do with it?” The woman let out a humourless laugh.

  “I don't know,” she admitted.

  “To be honest Maddie, I was so at a loss, I tucked it away in my sewing room. I was going to return it to your mum, but then then Polly told me she was sick.”

  Maddie poured them both an orange juice and they sat at the table.

  “Then Ron, my husband was diagnosed with Parkinsons and I spent the last few years nursing him.”

  “Oh I'm so sorry,” she said sadly. She remembered Ron, he was sweet old guy. Always pottering around in his rose garden when she went to their house. He would come out and open her car door for her and lead her into the house.

  “Thank you sweetie...I miss him. It's lonely without him. But life goes on. I had a good forty-eight years with him. You know a love like that doesn't come along very often in life. If you get the chance to marry your best friend, you should always take it.”

  A tear slipped down Maddie's face as her thoughts turned once more to Dex. She loved him and he was her best friend. She had spent so many years lonely and alone. She didn't want to be lonely any more.

  “,” Vera rose from her seat and walked to Maddie, wrapping her arms around her. “I am sorry, I shouldn't have told you that. After everything that happened. I know your fiancé, married that Truman girl,” she said her mouth coming together in a thin line.

  “It's okay,” Maddie soothed. Wondering briefly how she knew who Tom had married. “I'm sorry you lost your husband.”

  “Well I better be going. I hope I have not upset you too much, that was never my intention. It's just...I just wanted to return your dress.”

  Maddie walked with Vera to the front door, hugging her and thanking her for dropping the dress off, then waving to her as she drove off down the drive.


  Maddie was sitting picking at the diamantes on the bodice of her wedding dress when Patrick came home.

  “What have you got there Madd?” he asked as he walked in.

  “My wedding dress.”

  “Huh? What? Have I missed something?” he asked confused.

  “The lady who made my wedding dress, called in today and dropped it off.”

  “I don't understand.”

  “From when I was engaged to Tom, she held onto it all this time. Thought I might be wanting it back.”

  Patrick flopped down on the floor beside her. “Wow, that kind of sucks.”

  “Hmm... kinda,” she let out a sigh and leant her head on Patrick's shoulder.

  “So how you feeling? Asha said you went home sick from shopping.”

  “Well...let’s just say, it’s been an emotional day.”

  “Have you heard from Dex?”

  She straightened up and looked hard at his face. “What exactly did Asha tell you?”

  “Just that you were sick and came home. She was worried about you.”

  She eyed him suspiciously, looking for signs that he was lying. Asha had promised not to tell Xavier, she had not thought to tell her not to tell Patrick as well. She had just assumed.

  “What?” Patrick asked confused.

  “I'm pregnant,” she blurted out. She hadn't meant to tell him, it just kind of came out.

  Patrick's face paled.

  “Does he know?”

  She shook her head. “He hasn't been answering his phone all week.”

  “How do you think he will take it?”

  She shrugged, she honestly had no idea. She was not sure how to take it herself. This was not part of the plan. This was not on her dragonfly list.

  “You know I will look after you Maddie, no matter what.”


  “No I mean it Maddie. I love you. I would marry you in a heartbeat and raise your baby as my own.”

  “Trick, stop. You can't.”

  “I can Madd, I love you and if he won't do the right thing, I will.” He cupped her face with his hand.

  She brought her hand up to cover his where it rested on her cheek.

  “I know Trick and I love you too, just....” she looked away, trailing off, not sure what else to say, not wanting to hurt him more.

  “Just not enough?”

  “It's not the same Trick.”

  “Well you know, I'm here.”

  “I know Trick and I appreciate it. Thank you,” she leant forward and placed a kiss on his cheek. He was such a sweet, sweet man.

  Chapter 27


  Dex headed into the tattoo shop, knowing it was the best thing he had found over the years to take his mind off his problems. Luckily, Tony was able to change his schedule to fit him in. When he had rang that morning and said he needed some work, Tony must have recognised the code for what it was. He really needed to spend time with his mate, talking or not. Tony never pressured him to talk about his problems, but other than his dad, he was the only one he had spoken to about his problems with Issy's family. Until recently when he had told Maddie.

  Maddie had flown off the handle at him. Told him it was about time he got his shit together. Of course she was right. His dad was right too. He had let Issy's family dictate to him for far too long. He felt like a right tool, dumping Maddie at home and not contacting her all week. She had called and he let the messenger pick it up. His pride was hurt.

  Problem was he was madly in love with this girl. In a way he felt guilty, because he had promised Issy he would never love anyone else. He hadn't either, not while she was alive. If she was still alive he would never have even looked twice at Maddie, let alone fallen for her.

  All the years and all the crap from Issy's family had helped him believe he was doing the right thing by her, staying single. All the girls he had been with had been no-strings-attached kind of girls. He knew as soon as he met Maddie, she was not one of those girls. He had fought it at the start, but he was a goner now, whether he liked it or not. He just was not so sure on how to deal with the current situation. That he had put himself into once again.

  Settling into the chair, he watched as Tony organised all his gear. He never even had to tell Tony what he wanted these days, he just let him do whatever. Both his arms were covered, the top of his chest and down one side of his torso. As well as a large portion of his back. He had forgotten what his own body looked like not covered in colourful tattoos.

  Tony turned to him as he was snapping his gloves on.

p; “So, what's going on with your girl man?”


  “Come again?”

  He let out a low chuckle at the realisation he had just used his and Maddie’s word for not wanting to talk about things. Poor Tony had no idea about any of that. He was not about to tell him either. He wouldn't understand. Dex was pretty sure Tony had never been in love.

  “Sorry, doesn't matter...” he trailed off, hoping Tony would forget what he had asked.

  “I asked what's happening with Maddie?”

  “Yeah I heard ya,” he snapped at his friend.

  “Lainey saw her at the shop this morning, with that dark haired chick. Ashley?”

  Lainey was Tony's latest on again, off again girlfriend.

  “Yeah so, she's allowed to go shopping isn't she?” He really didn't know what his friend was getting at.

  “Lainey works at the pharmacy man.”


  “Well it was just that she was buying...”

  “Since when do you care about whatever girly shit my girlfriend buys? Actually any girl for that matter.” Dex's voice was getting louder, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the edge of his seat. The last thing he wanted to do was gossip with Tony about what Maddie was spending her money on.

  “Okay....calm down man. Fuck!” Tony slipped a glove from his hand and rubbed it through his long cat-weasel type beard. “It was just that she was...Lainey said...she was buying a pregnancy test. I just thought that, shit...sorry man.”

  Dex's vision suddenly swam, the coloured wall in front of him which was covered in pictures of tattoo-clad bodies blurred into a mass. His head was spinning as he tried to make sense of what Tony had just told him. Of course he could be wrong, maybe it wasn't Maddie at all, or maybe it wasn't for Maddie. Surely she would have told him, wouldn't she? Then he thought of all the phone calls he had ignored from her all week. It was not like he had given her a chance.

  He was up out of his chair, pulling his t-shirt over his head as he walked. Tony called his name, somewhere in the background. He never turned back. He had to get to Maddie. He had to find out what this was all about.

  Chapter 28


  Maddie laid on the couch, watching a reality TV show while Patrick worked in the kitchen, fixing her something for dinner. The smell of if made her nauseated but she didn't want to tell him that. He was being so sweet. He had brought her a cup of ginger tea. Told her it would help with her nausea.

  She jumped with surprise at the sound of pounding on the front door. She had been getting better, but sometimes, an unexpected loud noise, still took her back momentarily to her days in the shed. She would need to stop, take a deep breath and regain her equilibrium.

  “I'll get it, you rest up yeah.” Patrick told her with a look of concern on his face.

  “Where the fuck is she!” she heard Dex's voice booming from the front door.

  “Calm down dude, you can't come in here yelling and carrying on.” Patrick was trying to pacify him. It didn't seem to be working.

  “Is she here? Where's Maddie? I need to talk to her.” His voice sounded urgent, desperate even. Did he know somehow? How could he possibly?

  Maddie dragged herself up from the couch and wandered into the entry way where Dex stood, looking sexy as ever. She had missed him so much this last week, seeing him now she wanted to throw herself into his arms. Instead she stood, arms by her sides, watching, waiting to see what his urgency was.

  “Is it true?” Dex yelled, his face going pink, his blue eyes almost black.

  Maddie was lost for words, she opened her mouth, but really had no idea what to say so she closed it again.

  “Is it Maddie?”

  Dex took a step closer and Patrick put a hand on his chest, not enough to push him, or stop him, but more in warning. Protecting her.

  “It's okay Trick,” Maddie said facing him. Still not really sure what to say to Dex. Sure he could not possibly know about her pregnancy.

  “Are you going to give me a fucking answer Maddie? Are you pregnant?” Dex yelled.

  Patrick dropped his hand. His eyes darted between her and Dex.

  Dex glared at her, waiting for an answer. Of course she would have to tell him, she didn't want it be like this and how could he possibly know?

  She opened her mouth to speak, but again, nothing came out, so she just nodded her head.

  “Fuck,” he let out a long exhale and looked toward the ceiling. He took forever to speak and she wondered if he would say anything at all. Finally he looked back to her. “Were you going to tell me?”

  “I only just found out myself, how could you even know?”

  “Tony's girlfriend works at the pharmacy.”

  “What? That's crazy.” Surely she couldn't go around telling people what people went in there to buy. She might have to complain to the store manager.

  “Shit, baby, we have to think about what we are going to do.”

  “We?” she waved her hands in the air. “How is this a we thing?”

  “Sweetheart,” he said grabbing her forearm.

  “Don't fucking sweetheart me Dex.” She wrenched her arm out of his grip. “Where have you even been? I've been trying to call you all week, now you show up on my doorstep wanting to make decisions about my life.”

  She spun away from him and moved across the room, suddenly needing space. She felt a hand on her arm and turned to see Patrick had hold of her. His eyes were sad, he looked heart-broken. She knew he thought they might have a chance, she felt guilt wash over her. Her dad came crashing into her thoughts. He would have been mortified.

  Sitting on the couch, she pulled her legs to herself and wrapped her arms around them, in a protective manner.

  “I just want to live my life,” she started pleading, not really to anyone, mostly thinking out loud. Tears stung behind her eyes, she had not cried for her parents, she had not cried for anything for years. Now she was overcome with emotion.

  Both men stood nearby, staring at her. Staring at each other. Neither knowing what to do. Dex moved toward her, kneeling in front of her, putting his hands on her arms.

  “Baby? Sweetheart?”

  She heard him talking to her, pleading with her, but she was lost in her own thoughts, trying to keep the tears at bay.

  “I wanted to go sky-diving and travelling and everything. I wanted to do everything. How can I do everything? I can't do this. I can't. I can't. It's not the way it’s meant to be... fuck!” She knew she was rambling, but she couldn't help it, her world was crumbling down around her ears. Wasn't having a baby meant to be a happy time?

  “Maddie...Maddie look at me,” Dex demanded.

  She lifted her head. Dex looked hazy through her watery tear filled eyes. She loved that man. So damned much.

  “It's going to be okay. Do you hear me? I am sorry I have not been here all week. I had to get my head around all that stuff we talked about. I am here now okay?”

  She nodded her head and there was no more holding back the tears as they tumbled down her cheeks.

  “I am not going to leave you to deal with any of this alone, I am here and I love you.” With that he moved up and sat on the couch beside her, pulling her into his arms. She let him. She was terrified of what might come next, but she had Dex.

  Dex's shirt was soaked with her tears by the time her crying ebbed. She tried in vain to brush them away.

  “Sorry,” she murmured.

  “What are you sorry for?”

  “For your shirt, for everything.”

  “Hey Sweetheart, don't be sorry okay?” His hand slipped under her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “I know this was never part of the plan, but hey guess what?” a huge grin spread across his face. “We're having a baby.” He leant down and placed a tender kiss on her lips. Pulling back he continued. “I love you, you are going to be an awesome mum.”

  “Do you really think so?”

  “Hell yeah, I saw the way you
were with Shyla, any kid would be lucky to have you as their mother. Not only that, you know what?” he stroked her cheek, wiping away the remnants of her tears. “It's going to be our baby. Yours and mine. It's like a second chance for both of us.”

  He was happy, through all of this. Having her break down and bawl her eyes out. Her life was a train-wreck. His was not much better, could it be possible that they could pull this together?

  “I love you Dex,” she whispered as he pulled her in for a hug.

  “I know baby,” he whispered against her hair. “And I know you're scared right now, but it's all going to work out and be okay.”

  Chapter 29

  Dex squeezed her hand as they watched the young children playing. It was warm in the waiting area of the doctor’s surgery and Maddie's palms were sweaty. Or maybe it was her nerves making her feel that way.

  “It'll be alright...I promise.” Dex whispered, leaning into her side.

  She loved the way he could always tell when she was anxious. Loved that he was here with her now. Loved him and was just so happy to have him at her side.

  Since finding out she was pregnant he had barely left her side.

  “You're pretty lady.” Came a tiny little voice. She looked around and saw a small child about four year’s old standing beside her, a huge smile on her face.

  “Well thank you sweetie...I think you are pretty too,” she replied to the sweet little girl with the piggy tales and a smear of chocolate on her chin.

  “My mummy is going to have a baby. I want a baby sister, but daddy wants a baby brother. Are you having a baby too lady?”

  She put her hand to be flat belly.

  “Emelia, come. Leave that poor lady alone.” Called the child's mother from across the room.

  Maddie looked up and smiled at the woman. Thinking of herself in that situation.

  Emilia wiggled her fingers. “Bye lady. I hope your baby is a sister,” she called as she darted across the room back to her mum.

  “What a cutie,” she giggled, looking to Dex, seeing a smile on his face too. Knowing he was thinking of his own little girl. She wondered what Shyla would think of having a brother or sister.