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Chasing Dragonflies Page 5

  Xavier had arranged a limousine to pick them up for the service, and one by one they all climbed into the back. Asha and Xavier sat on one seat, whilst she and Patrick squished into the other along with Aunty Polly. At the end of driveway a news crew was waiting. As the car approached, the reporters launched themselves into its path. The driver honked and kept driving, leaving the reporters no choice but to jump free from the moving vehicle. She turned her face toward the window to see a camera pressed against the glass.

  Aunty Polly's hand came across and squeezed her knee reassuringly. “They will get tired of you soon love, when the next big story breaks.”

  I don't want to be a story, she wanted to yell, but she kept her mouth shut and just nodded.

  When they reached the funeral home, Patrick who was closest to the door, climbed out first and held his hand out to her to assist her, quickly letting her go to help Aunty Polly. Xavier helped Asha who seemed to be struggling with her one available arm.

  A small group of people hovered near-by and when they saw her party arrive came rushing over to offer their condolences. Some faces Maddie recognised, most she didn't. Frank and Mary were there, they had called by and seen her in the hospital. She smiled and accepted hugs from a few well-wishers, but it was horrible. She wished she could be anywhere else but here. In the weeks since she had escaped the shed, she had been overwhelmed everyday by people and the general goings on of life.

  In a quiet moment, when she thought she would be unnoticed she slipped off on her own and headed for the far side of the building. Leaning against the wall, she closed her eyes and listened to the birds chirping in the near-by trees. Minutes later a voice came filtering in, breaking her quiet reverie.

  “Ah Maddie...are you ready?”

  She looked up to see Asha standing beside her, holding her good arm out to her. Maddie looped her arm through Asha's and they headed for the building. Working their way to the front row, they each took a seat beside Xavier.

  Xavier had opted for a funeral service with a private burial. As they were not religious, he had asked a celebrant to officiate. The celebrant greeted the small audience and began the ceremony. It was a double service, so the celebrant took turns in speaking about their parents individually, being careful of course not to mention anything bad. It must have been difficult for Xavier to construct the eulogy given there was so much bad. Dad had kidnapped his own daughter and held her hostage for years. Repeatedly beat his wife. The wife who knew he was holding his daughter captive. Then he had kidnapped his son’s girlfriend and they had only escaped when her mum had killed her dad and turned the gun on herself, managing to shoot Asha in the process. Not exactly something you sprout at a funeral.

  Instead he talked about how they had met, about her and Xavier growing up. About Mum being sick with cancer, and how they both loved their kids. Even Asha got a mention. But he managed to somehow gloss over the bad parts.

  Hearing soft sobbing she glanced around and saw a few people with tears in their eyes. She guessed a lot of them had not seen the same side of her parents as she and Xavier had. Peering over at Xavier, she noticed his cheeks were wet and she reached out, taking his hand in hers and giving it a gentle reassuring squeeze. He responded with a sad smile.

  When it was finally over, after what felt like hours, more people insisting on hugging her and telling her how sorry they were. As they returned to the limo more photographers appeared. Xavier politely asked them to leave when one whipped a microphone out and shoved it in her face.

  “How do you feel now both your parents have gone Maddison?”

  “You must feel relief that it's all over, do you Maddison?” Came another voice.

  “That's enough, leave her alone.” Xavier boomed, wrapping his arms around her pushing her toward the open car door.

  In the limo, she moved to the furthest corner. Her body trembling, she pulled her feet onto the seat and hugged her legs to her chest. Xavier came in next to her and pulled her close to him in a hug. She rested her head on Xavier's shoulder and her trembling began to subside.

  “Do you want to go straight home?” he asked leaning forward into her face.

  “No,” she shook her head. “I'll be okay. I just need a minute or two.”

  They had planned on going to Xavier's club, Ex's and Oh's for the wake. Rather than have the funeral guests at the house. At least she had somewhere to escape to when she had enough.

  Aunty Polly instructed the driver to take an alternative route back into the city, in an attempt to lose the press. The club was not open to the public at this time of the day and they had the driver deliver them to the staff entrance which was not visible from the road.

  Maddie had heard about this club, but she was not prepared for what she would find. It was amazing, with beautiful long velvet drapes and comfortable couches. She could hardly believe Xavier had managed to set this place up all on his own. Who knew her big brother had such good taste?

  She settled on one of the couches, Asha along with her friend, who Asha had introduced as Gemma sat in the couches beside her. Patrick brought her a long stemmed glass from the bar and she took a sip. After a few mouthfuls she felt a tingling starting in her feet and working its way up her legs. Whatever it was it made her feel better and when the first was finished she asked Patrick to fetch her another.

  Several glasses of wine later, Maddie was thinking this whole thing was not turning out as bad as she had expected. Patrick was actually pretty funny, they had sat on the couch laughing and joking for some time. It had been many years since she had sat and laughed like that, she had thought she may never again.

  As the afternoon wore on, people had stopped by where she sat and had wished her luck and good-bye. No one mentioned her being locked away, they seemed to skirt around the subject of her absence over the past years and carried on like it had never happened.

  Several hours later, Xavier announced they were heading home. He had arranged for the limo to drop them back to the house. They wished Aunty Polly and Gemma good-bye and headed out the door, fending off more media who had found their way to the back door and thought it was there duty to report on her.


  They all returned to the house. Patrick made himself busy in the kitchen cooking. Asha told her she was lucky to have Patrick there as he was an awesome cook. She would find out soon enough she guessed.

  Sitting quietly in the living room, Xavier produced the letter he had been reading yesterday when she had got home.

  “Mum left this for us, I guess now is a good time to read it.” He said quietly, taking a seat beside her on the couch and unfolding the hand-written papers. In a low voice he began reading.

  To my dearest Maddie and Xavier

  If you two are both reading this now, it means I am dead and if all has gone to plan your dad is too.

  I am sorry it had to end that way, but I could see no other option. Hugh was never going to let Maddie go and I know she would have died out there, cold and alone.

  I want you both to know I love you and I understand if you are both angry with me.

  Please know I never wanted to hurt either of you.

  To my beautiful precious boy Xavier, it makes my heart hurt when I think about not seeing your gorgeous face ever again. You have been a rock for me over these past years and I do not think I could have lived without you in my life.

  Yes, your dad has issues and I am well aware. But he loves you, in his own special way, you have to believe that.

  Please take care of your sister, I know I don't really need to ask that of you, because I know you have always held her close to your heart. I love you my darling son.

  Maddie, my beautiful sweet baby girl. You came into my life like a whirlwind, whipping up a storm in your wake. I am angry that your father took you away from me. You had your whole life ahead of you and your father took that from you. I can only hope you can go back out there in the world and show them that he has not broken you, as he broke me.
br />   The biggest regret I am taking to my grave is not having the guts to free you sooner. You have to believe me I did not know you were there until only a couple of years ago when your father let it slip one night during one of his rages. You know I have loved your dad since I was sixteen years old but I have also been afraid of that man for many years. As he has aged, he has become more and more unpredictable.

  I still love him, but I have to take his life for you to be free. I hope you can understand that. He loves you both, but I know that sounds a little twisted. You have to believe he never wanted to hurt you Maddie, you were his princess and he was desperate when you wanted to marry Tom. He thought you would leave and never return.

  I don't believe he meant to keep you as a prisoner. I believe it was a spur of the moment decision that he regretted. Then he was overwhelmed and when the police became involved, he could not find his way out of the situation. I think it got on top of him and he did not know how to deal with it.

  If he confesses now and sets you free he will go to prison and that will kill him. I see no other option. This is the only way to let you both live your lives.

  Please remember, I love you both with all my heart.




  When he finished reading, Maddie noticed his hands were trembling and she looked up to see tears running down his face. She wondered if she should be feeling some kind of sadness too. She felt something. She felt angry at her mother for taking her father away. Her emotions were so mixed up and she knew it would take a while to unravel them. She had not cried over the loss of her parents. Was that normal in this sort of situation? How could anyone know, it was not exactly a normal situation by any means.

  Snaking an arm around Xavier's shoulders she pulled him to her. He had spent time with their mother over the past years, so she could empathise with him over her loss. As far as she was concerned though, her family, other than her dad, had been dead to her for a very long time.

  They shared a quiet meal together that evening, before Asha and Xavier headed back to the city. Maddie was grateful for the peace when they left and excused herself to her bedroom.


  Alone in her room, she pulled out a shoebox from under her bed which she could hardly believe was still there. Her parents, it seemed, had touched nothing in the time she was gone. Wiping the dust off with her hand, she lifted the lid. A torrent of emotions hit her like a tidal wave as she saw her wedding invitation list.

  The invites had gone out, the venue was booked, and her dress had been with the dress-maker. It was going to be the most amazing day of her life. What it had been was one of the worst. Her mind reeled back to that day in the shed.

  “Guess who came knocking this morning Maddie?” her dad had said, as she rose from the rickety old bed, wiping sleep from her eyes.

  “Who?” She had expected him to say Tom. It was their wedding day if she had calculated the days correctly.

  “Tom's dad.”

  “Really?” her heart rate picked up, maybe he was suspicious. Had he come looking to confront her father? To tell him he knew where she was? To set her free at last?

  “Yeah,” he said sadly, looking at the floor.

  “What Dad? What is it?”

  He rose to his feet and walked toward the door. “Maybe I shouldn't tell you,” he mumbled just loud enough for her to hear.

  Launching off her bed she narrowed the distance between them in one large step. Wrapping her hand around his bicep.

  “Tell me Dad,” she pleaded.

  With that he spun around into her face. A serious look crossing his features. She thought she might have even seen tears in his eyes. She had not known her dad to cry. Something had to be wrong.

  “I'm sorry Maddie...he came to tell me Tom's dead. He was murdered. They found his body in the creek near the school...”

  He said more, but she did not hear any of his words. Her head spun and her knees wobbled, stumbling she fell back onto the bed, that barely held her light weight.

  “No. No. No.” She cried out, over and over again.

  Her dad was still talking, but she brought her hands up to her ears. She did not want to hear what he had to say. How could this be? How could her Tom be dead? Her beautiful, youthful, fun, cheeky, smart, loving, beautiful Tom. It was their wedding day, this must be a joke. A cruel nasty joke.

  Her father’s arms came to her shoulders, pulling her in for a hug, but she pushed him away. She did not want his comfort. How could he think to comfort her now?

  “This is all your fault,” she screamed. Pushing at his strong chest with both hands, tears blurred her vision and stung as they ran down her cheeks. “All your fault.”

  He fought her, trying to stop her from pushing him.

  “No,” she screamed. “I hate you for keeping me here. This is all your fault. You took me away from Tom. I hate, you. I hate you. I hate you.”

  He never left her side, as much as she wanted him too, but maybe she didn't. She didn't know. The world had stopped making sense to her weeks ago when he had slammed the door shut and fastened the locks. Eventually she collapsed into a fit of uncontrollable tears and her dad pulled her into his chest and hugged her close. Through everything he had done to her, she loved her dad. She knew he loved her. But the pain she felt in her chest, was unlike any pain she had ever felt. Was this what they meant when they talked about a broken heart?

  Placing the list down beside her on the bed, she continued to rifle through the box. Buried under the old love letters Tom had sent her, she found it. The red envelope she was looking for, was still there. Peering inside she found what she had hoped would still be there. A wad of fifty dollar notes. She had saved for a year before the wedding for their honeymoon. They were to fly to Fiji for two weeks.

  Maddie had finished school, but had not decided on what she wanted to do with her life. Tom had been at university, studying to be a teacher. Sport was his thing and ultimately he hoped to become a physical education teacher. For a moment she allowed herself to wonder if he had reached that goal, before quickly pushing it out of her mind. Did it even matter? She was angry at him for turning back up when he did. It would have been better if he had just stayed out of her life altogether.

  Chapter 7

  Not only had her bedroom remained untouched, but her car was still parked in the garage. Gosh she loved that car. She remembered the day her granddad had brought it around. She had thought he was buying it for himself when he had shown it to her at the car yard.

  A 1964 baby blue mustang. She could still recall the look on her mum's face when Granddad had told her it was for her. Running her hand across the dusty roof she laughed to herself at the memory.

  Peering through the window, she saw the keys still in the ignition. Time really had stood still in some ways, yet in others it had moved full-steam ahead. Lifting the door handle, she pulled and the door creaked open. She swung one leg up and slid into the driver’s seat, placing both hands on the steering wheel. The little red love heart with legs that Tom had brought her for their first valentine’s day, still hung from the rear-vision mirror. Taking it down, she held it in her hands, giving it a squeeze. She brought it to her face and gave it a sniff. It had been scented, the scent was now long gone. Memories of cruising down the highway, with the windows down came crashing into her. If she closed her eyes, she could still smell the sea air as they drove down along the beach. Some of her favourite memories were of time spent at the beach. Those were the days, she had been happy. When she had been in love.

  Reaching out she fingered the keys in the ignition, a strong sense of familiarity washed through her. Steadily she turned the keys. Nothing. She tried again. Not even a click. What had she expected? She let out a long sigh. She would have to call a mechanic out to have a look at it.


  “I'll get it,” Maddie called out, feeling annoyed that Patrick had not gotten out of bed even when there was someone knocking on th
e front door. It was past ten o'clock already.

  She swung the door open and was stopped dead in her tracks. Standing on her door step was the most beautiful man she had ever laid eyes on. Six foot tall, big, broad shoulders, shoulder length dark red hair tucked into a black beanie, a short trimmed beard. Dressed in dark jeans and a dark button up shirt with 'Dexter's Mechanical' embroidered across the left pocket.

  “Hi, you must be Maddie? I'm Dex, the mechanic. We spoke on the phone,” he said in a deep voice. Maddie was sure she just fell a little bit in love with this man.

  “Um...yeah,” she was a little lost for words. Good one Maddie, she inwardly admonished herself. “It's out in the garage.” Well duh, it’s not going to be in the house is it? Jeez she felt an idiot all of a sudden. “Hang on two sec's yeah? I'll just get some shoes on.”

  She charged off back into the house, frantically searching around to see where she had left her sandals. Suddenly realising she had just left the most gorgeous man she had ever laid eyes on standing at her front door, she tossed over her shoulder, “Come in if you want.”

  “Ahh found you suckers,” she said snagging her shoes from under a kitchen chair. Standing up she heard a deep chuckle.

  “Do you always talk to inanimate objects?”

  Oh she was so very embarrassed. “Only when I think no one is listening,” she giggled.

  “Well you did say to come in.”

  “Yeah, I know, sorry... okay, um, well I better show you to my baby then huh?”

  He raised an eyebrow at her in question, then as realisation that she was talking about her car dawned on him, he nodded. “Lead the way.”

  Maddie led Dex out the back door, down the stairs and out to the garage. The door was always hard to open and she didn't want to ask, so she grabbed the handle and gave it a hard pull. It didn't budge. She tried again, this time from another angle, this time it moved slightly. She heard a low laugh coming from behind her. How rude, she thought, spinning on her heel she looked up into Dex's eyes. Beautiful steel blue eyes, momentarily she almost forgot what she was going to say. Then he laughed again and it came back to her.