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Chasing Dragonflies Page 7

  “No?” she asked confused by his question.

  “Oh it’s just...” he trailed off as his eyes slid down her body.

  Maddie felt a sudden rush of panic and her skin prickled. It was like one of those dreams when you wake up at school and you’re naked, but this was not a dream and she really was naked. Well almost. Heat rose to her cheeks and she heard a low chuckle coming from this stunning man, standing on her doorstep.

  “I just got out of the shower, I thought you were my brother. I um... I'm really sorry,” she gushed, all her words coming out so fast, she could hardly keep up herself. She would not be surprised if he had not understood any of her mumbo jumbo. He must think I'm a complete idiot, she thought to herself, but judging by the look on his face and he was a man after all, he probably was not even thinking about what was coming out her mouth at all.

  “Don't be sorry,” he said with a smirk.

  “I didn't know you were coming today,” she offered, knowing how lame she sounded, but felt she should say something.

  “Well I hadn't said I definitely would, so I apologise for catching you unaware.”

  “No, no, it's hardly your fault.”

  “I can just go out the back and get started, if you like? I was just wanting to let you know I was here.”

  “Yeah, that's fine...sorry,” she offered again waving a hand toward the side gate. Her towel suddenly slipped and her hand darted back to save it before she exposed herself any further. This elicited another low chuckle from Dex.

  “Okay,” came his reply, but he did not move, he just stood as if rooted to the floor, not taking his eyes of her.

  “Okay,” she smiled back, feeling those eyes, burning through her towel and sizzling over her skin.

  “Yeah, so...I better go do it then huh?”

  Maddie let out a little giggle, she liked the effect she was having on him. “Yeah, I guess you should. I'll be making some coffee in a bit, would you like me to bring you one?”

  “Yeah, that would be great, thanks...two sugars, no milk.”

  “Okay,” she said making a mental note of his request.

  “Okay,” he smiled, his eyes running down her half-naked body one more time, before returning to her eyes. “Well I'll just be out the back then,” he said as he finally turned and ambled toward the side of the house.

  Maddie shut the door and collapsed against it in a fit of giggles. He was like a teenage boy, the way he had stood there eyeing her in her towel, obviously men never grow up.


  “Black coffee with two sugars,” Maddie called out as she walked into the garage. It was hot inside, with very little ventilation, making her feel clammy and uncomfortable. Memories came tumbling in on her of long summer says locked away, begging her dad to allow her out into the fresh air.

  As Dex moved from behind her car and came into full view, she quickly pushed those memories out of her mind.

  “Thanks,” he gave her a wink, as he took the mug from her hands. “So where's your boyfriend today? Is he at work?”

  “My boyfriend?” she scrunched her brows at him, surely he did not mean Patrick.

  “Yeah what's his name? Rick?”

  “Patrick—Trick, he is not my boyfriend,” she huffed out.

  He raised an eyebrow in question at her. That annoyed her, and she gripped her mug tighter with both hands. She was not a huge fan of coffee, but she loved the smell of it. So she brought it closer to her face, breathing it in, taking a calming breath.

  “No Trick is my, ah...”she paused for a moment to determine exactly how to explain who Patrick was. “He's my brothers, girlfriend's brother.”

  Dex nodded and mumbled under this breath, “bothers, girlfriend's brother.”

  “And my house mate for now, I guess,” she added. “Not that I get much choice in the matter.”

  “So you and him...are?” he tilted his head to the side.

  “We are friends. I guess,” she surmised. They got along okay, she thought he could be called her friend. Last night had kind of cemented that she guessed.

  “Okay,” Dex let out a long puff of air.

  “What does that mean?”


  “Your sigh.”

  “Oh nothing, I just didn't get the impression that he thought that, but I only just met you both,” he raised his free hand in the air. “It's none of my business anyway.”

  “No, no it's not,” she quipped. She smiled sweetly at him though, she couldn't be angry, if he was interested in her and Patrick relationship it must mean he was interested in her. She was most definitely interested in him.

  “So, this is your place then?” He pressed on.

  Tilting her head to the side, she eyed him suspiciously. After the media tactics she had endured she was unsure of who was genuine and who wasn't. She knew she would need to tread carefully. Then again, she had asked Dex into her house, he had not turned up on her doorstep and barged his way in.

  “Yeah, kind of,” she replied, she had to tell him something. “It belonged to my parents, they both died recently.”

  “Oh I'm really sorry,” he frowned and reached a hand out touching her elbow. His fingers were warm from holding his coffee cup. Making her skin tingle. Without a thought she took a step closer to him. It was inexplicable this attraction she felt toward him, she longed to feel his arms around her.

  “It's okay,” she looked up into this beautiful blue eyes as they looked down to hers with concern. “I mean, I hadn't seen my mum for many years, but I do miss my dad.”

  “I understand that,” he said sadly. “I never knew my mum, but I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to my Dad.”

  “Really?” she asked surprised at his disclosure.

  “Yeah my Mum dumped me on my dad's doorstep when I was born...or so the story goes,” he let out a dry laugh. “My Gran helped my Dad raise me for the first few years, but then died from a massive heart attack when I was only young.”

  It was her turn to offer comfort, not that she minded. Reaching past Dex, she placed her mug on the bench and placed a hand very tentatively on his upper arm, it was hard, muscled. Her mind was everywhere, except where is should be. Regaining her senses, her eyes darted back up to his moving lips, those lips, she wanted to touch with her own.

  “Okay,” she heard him say and lifted her eyes to his. A small smirk of amusement spread from his eyes to his lips, his eyes seemed to dance when he smiled.


  “I said....” he chuckled low and deep, “I turned out okay.”

  Uh-oh, she had completely missed that part.

  “Yeah,” she nodded, distractedly.

  His eyes travelled to where her fingers were absently tracing the contours, of his bicep, her own eyes followed. When she realised what she was doing, she quickly whipped her hand away. How embarrassing, she had not meant too, she had simply got caught up in the moment. She was drawn to him, like he had some power over her, that she was unable to control. Maybe she didn't want too.

  “Well, I guess I better let you get some work done huh?”

  He turned back to the car without a word. Maddie turned and took both mugs from the bench and headed back toward the open door. She was craving the fresh air, her body was burning up, both from the heat inside the garage and the heat that was radiating from inside due to Dex's contact. She needed to clear her head.

  “Maddie,” she heard Dex call as she was about to step into the sunlight. Turning she saw him standing at the bonnet of the car, watching her.


  “Thank you,” he smiled and nodded.

  She was not sure what he was thanking her for, the coffee? The chat? She smiled and nodded and turned back toward the house. A huge grin on her face. In fact, she felt quite giddy. It was something she had not felt for a long time, not since Tom.


  Walking in the back door, she found Patrick standing at the kitchen sink, wearing only a pair of shorts. He tur
ned when he heard her walking in, flashing her a smile.

  “Oh there you are...I thought you were still in bed.”

  Maddie jerked her thumb over her shoulder, “No I was just—Dex is here, working on my car, I was just... I mean, I ah,” she fumbled to get her words out. Looking down at her hands where she had to the two coffee mugs, she lifted them and showed them to Patrick. “Coffee, I made him coffee.”

  Patrick nodded.

  That was a bit awkward. Placing the mugs in the sink, she turned and headed for the living room when Patrick spoke up and stopped her in her tracks.

  “Ash rang and they are thinking of going to the beach today if you want to go?”

  Would she ever, she had not been to the beach in, she could not remember how long. She could barely contain her excitement at the thought of it.

  “Yes,” she bounced on the balls of her feet. “I'll have to see if I can find my bikini, Oh I am so excited.”

  Patrick let out a laugh, “Awesome, I will let Asha and Xavier know we'll meet them there.”

  “Yay,” she sang skipping into her room to stalk out her bikini.


  The ground of the parking lot was hot, not burning, but her feet were so sensitive. Every part of her body was sensitive, after all those years of so little exposure to the outside world. The doctors had warned her she could expect to suffer from allergies and sensitivities that she had not had previously, but so far she had been pretty lucky.

  “C'mon Fly what are you waiting for?” Xavier called out to her across the parking lot. He was already standing in the sand dunes.

  Tentatively she walked across the bitumen, she should have kept her shoes on until she reached the sand, but did not want to have to carry anything else. Her feet hit the pure white sand and as she felt it squish up between her toes, she closed her eyes, taking in the sensation. To think she once had taken this for granted. All the summers swimming at the beach as children and teenagers. She loved the beach. Was a strong swimmer too, all those years ago. She wondered how she would be now, she still had some work to do, building up her muscles.

  Still standing with her eyes closed someone grabbed her around the waist and she was suddenly being hauled into the air. Her eyes flung open and she was upside down, staring at the sand she was once standing on. Flying through the air, she screamed out to Asha and Patrick who stood nearby laughing. Xavier had her over his shoulder and was running with her toward the water.

  The cold, salty water hit her face in splashes, only seconds before the rest of her body was plunged in. It was a shock as first at the sudden change of body temperature. She looked over to Xavier who was bent over at his middle laughing at his own antics and using her hands she splashed water into his face. He didn’t seem to mind as he grabbed her around the waist dragging her down into the water.

  Maddie laughed and coughed out a mouth full of salt water, then laughed some more. It was just like old times, they might all be a few years older, but she had her brother back.

  Chapter 9

  She woke later than normal the next morning. A day at the beach had worn her out. She had not long been out of bed, when she heard a knock at the front door. Of course Patrick was still snoring.

  She rushed out to answer the door and there he was, standing on her front porch. Black jeans and t-shirt, black beanie. Tattooed arms protruding from his short sleeves. He was leaning with his back against one of the veranda posts, a cigarette between his lips, looking back toward the road he had come in on, he seemed not to notice her at the door.

  “Good-morning,” she called out.

  “Oh hi there,” he spun around and faced her with a grin. Pointing with his thumb over his shoulder he asked. “Do you know there is a TV crew at the end of your driveway?”

  Oh really again? “No, but it doesn't surprise me,” she rolled her eyes. “ brother. Told them he would have them prosecuted if they came onto our property so they hang out there waiting for us to leave. I hope they didn't harass you did they?”

  Dex's eyebrows scrunched up. “No, but why are they there?”

  “You really don't recognise me do you?”

  “Oh shit, you're not some sort of criminal are you? You don't strike me as the axe murdering kind.” He said with a nervous laugh, eyeing her up and down.

  He was checking her out. It was then she realised she was still in her pyjamas. A cute little pair of cotton shorts with teddy bears, and a camisole, which only barely held her boobs in. She brought her arm up to try to cover herself as much as she could. Dex let out a laugh at her sudden realisation.

  “Maybe you should come in. I'll put the kettle on...and some more clothes.”

  “No need to dress on my behalf,” he smirked, causing heat to rush to her face.

  “Ah, um, come in,” she stepped back from the doorway allowing him space to enter the house.

  “Just make yourself at home, I'll only be a minute,” she motioned him toward the kitchen, before diving into her room to find some clothes. Scrambling around for something to wear, she really must go shopping sometime soon. Most of her old clothes were too big for her, she had lost a significant amount of weight in the years she was locked away. Not to mention, she was probably way out of fashion. She eyed a little sun dress that she knew did not look too sack like, quickly slipping on a bra and the dress over the top.

  Pulling her hair back into a low ponytail as she walked back into the kitchen. Dex was standing with his back to the sink, watching her as she walked in. Sucking in a breath for confidence, she walked right up beside him and reached for the kettle.

  “Already on,” he said quietly.

  “Pardon?” she was so distracted by his close proximity she was not sure she heard him correctly.

  “I said...” he moved closer so he was brushed up next to her. “I already turned it on.”

  She felt an unfamiliar heat rush through her body, he was turning something on. Turning ever so slightly she found his blue eyes staring into hers. She could not quite read what they were saying.

  Feeling uncomfortable under his stare, her eyes moved down to his mouth, he had a nice mouth, she had thought about kissing him yesterday. She was thinking about kissing him again now. She had never kissed a man with a beard before, she wondered what it would feel like. His lips were moving, she was mesmerised. He was talking, what was he saying?

  “Ah sorry what?” she asked trying to snap her mind out of the haze it was in.

  “I said, where are your mugs?”

  “Oh I'll get them,” she answered as she quickly spun around and opened the overhead cupboard. A little too quickly it seemed and her mind was on other things, as she brought the cupboard door straight into her forehead. “Ouch!”

  “Oh shit....are you okay?” Dex asked her bringing one hand to her shoulder and the other to her forehead.

  She was now, with his big strong hands on her, what was wrong with her again?

  “Ah, um, yeah I think so,” she answered sounding confused, she was confused, but not from the bump on the head.

  “Here you better sit down, let me get the coffees.”

  He directed her away from the cupboard, pulling a chair out from the big old oak table, and guiding her to a sitting position.

  “Sorry, I'm okay, really. I'm such a klutz sometimes,” she sighed.

  Dex laughed, “Don't be sorry, it’s alright. Just so long as your head is...” He lightly ran his finger over the small bump on her forehead. Sending a slight shiver through her body.

  “Really, it's nothing,” she smiled up at him. “I've had worse.”

  “I'm sure you have. Let me make this coffee and you can tell me about it.”

  “I'd rather not.”

  “Or not then... up to you.”

  He fixed them both a coffee and brought them to the table. “So may I ask why you have the channel five news crew parked outside your house?”

  “I can't believe you don't already know.”

You're making me nervous,” he laughed, eyes dancing around the room.

  “I have been on every news channel and in every paper for weeks.”

  Dex shrugged, “Don't watch the news or read papers.”


  “Not generally.”


  They both looked up to see a yawning Patrick walking into the kitchen. His eyes darted between them and Dex quickly moved away from her. Damn Patrick and his crappy timing.

  “Morning Trick...I made some coffee if you want some.”

  “Yeah, that would be great thanks,” Patrick replied, slowly with a suspicious tone in his voice.

  Maddie tried to ignore his tone, she knew he had issues with Dex. Dex finished his coffee and excused himself to the garage to work on her car.

  Maddie wandered off to get showered and dressed ready to start the day. Standing under the shower her skin stung a little, with her years of no sunshine, she had quickly sustained a slight sunburn at the beach yesterday. Her mind was wandering to Dex, working out in the garage. She wondered what would have happened if Trick had not come in when he did. Her thoughts were interrupted when Patrick called out to her. She had left the door open, since being on the outside—as she thought of her release—she struggled to be in a room with the door closed. Patrick was mostly respectful of her privacy.

  “I'm just heading into the city, Xavier called and he needs a hand with something. Do you want to come?”

  “I'm in the shower Trick,” she called back annoyed.

  “I can wait for you,” he called back, not seeming to understand why she was annoyed.

  “No, I'm fine.”

  “Will you be okay here by yourself?”

  Pulling the curtain back, she poked her head around to see him standing less than a metre away.

  “I'm not a child Trick.”

  “I know, I...I just...”

  “I'll be fine. Tell my big brother I said hello.”

  “Ah...ahh...okay,” he stammered. His eyes travelling up and down the length of her body, through the shower curtain. She was pretty sure he could not see anything.