Chasing Dragonflies Read online

Page 11

  As she got closer, he looked up and smiled, a devastatingly beautiful smile, he was happy to see her. That warmed her heart, but then a woman stepped between them. She looked like a stripper or something, a teeny little skirt and thigh-high boots, boobs hanging out everywhere and what the hell was she doing. Her eyes bugged out of her head as Dex stood to meet this woman, wrapping his arms around her and drawing her into the table by his side.

  What on earth was going on? Maddie had a good mind to run over there and rip the little whore's eyes from their sockets.

  “Hey, come on, don't worry about him.” She heard a voice and felt a hand on her arm. She had been so caught up in her own thoughts she had forgotten Asha was even there with her. Spinning on her heel, she turned and glared at her friend.

  “Did you see what just happened? Did you see that skank?” Maddie waved her hands in the air pointing toward where Dex sat. Still far enough away to not notice her, or hear her over the thumping base of the band.

  Asha's face moved in closer to hers to be heard. “Yes, come now, don't worry about him. We came here to have a good time and we aren't going to let Dex or anyone else ruin it for us are we?”

  “But I want to fu...”

  “Maddie!” Asha interrupted her before she could finish what she wanted to say. “Come now, there are heaps of good looking guys here, you can have a good night without him.”

  Maddie looked around the room. Asha was kind of right, there were plenty of men around her age in the club. None of them were as good looking as Dex.

  “Come on, let’s go get our drink on yeah?” Asha said tugging at her arm and pulling her toward the bar.

  At least being at her brothers club got free drinks. Asha went ahead of her, turning back to make sure she was following. It was busy in the club tonight. Xavier had told her Friday night was often the busiest night. She had not been here at night before. It had been many years since she had been in this kind of situation so she had expected to feel uncomfortable. Asha had promised to look after her. By the time she reached the bar, Asha had already ordered and had several shooters lined up for them both.

  Maddie wasted no time downing her drinks, enjoying the feel of the burn as the silky liquid slid down her throat. Drowning her sorrows, she would show Dex how much of a good time she could have, she did not need him in her life anyway.

  “Hey ease up there little sis,” she heard her brothers voice from across the bar and turned to see him smiling back at her.

  “Did you know he was here?” she seethed, nodding in Dex's direction.

  “It's a public place Fly, I can't kick him out when he's not doing anything wrong.”

  Maddie harrumphed and crossed her arms over her chest. “And anyway, I thought he didn't drink.”

  “Well far as I know, he's been on the lemonade since he got here.” Xavier shook his head. “Anyway, I thought it was all over between the two of you?”

  “Well it hardly had a chance to get started did it? Between you and Patrick.”

  “We were only looking out for your best interests sis and besides it looks like it might have been a good idea.” He was looking over to where Dex sat, her eye's followed his gaze to the skank, with her arms draped around Dex's neck.

  “I'll have another shooter thanks,” she picked up one of her empty glasses and thrust it toward him.

  “Okay, but you just had three in a row, this is the last one for a while okay? I don't want to be scraping you off the floor tonight.”

  “Oh come on—you love it,” she giggled.

  He poured her another drink, meanwhile she kept her eyes trained across the room. She was going to show him.

  Downing her shooter she grabbed Asha by the elbow and dragged her out to the dance floor. The band was playing music she was not familiar with, but it had a heavy base beat, so she set to wiggling her butt out on the dance floor.

  She was not alone, there were plenty other hot sweaty bodies out there, bumping and grinding away and it was not long before she had a plethora a men around her, vying for her attention. One was showing particular attention, coming up behind her and placing his hands on her hips.

  Maddie scanned the crowd to see Dex staring and that was all the fuel she needed. Lifting her arms up behind her she wrapped them around the man's neck, letting his hands come around her waist. The music slowed and some of the crowd dissipated giving Dex a better view from where he sat. Fully aware of his glare, she wiggled her butt in closer to her dance partner. His hot breath flared on her bare neck. Two could play Dex's game.

  When the song came to an end, Asha appeared at her side.

  “Come on Maddie, let’s go.”

  “No, I'm not going anywhere. I'm dancing here with my new friend,” she smiled up at the man behind her. He was tall, a lot taller than her.

  “Madds,” Asha looked at her sternly.

  “No Asha,” she shot her a fierce look back. She had been controlled for too many years and she was not going to let someone tell her what she should be doing now.

  “Okay,” Asha raised her hands in front of her in surrender.

  The music started again and Asha disappeared in the crowd. After a few more songs, her new friend suggested they go to the bar for a drink. Her feet were feeling a little sore since she was not used to high-heeled shoes. Truth be known she was still getting used to wearing shoes at all. She and Asha had the same size feet and Asha had more shoes than anyone she had ever known. So she had a great time picking through her collection finding a cute little pair of high-heeled ankle boots. They looked fantastic with her tight jeans.

  Her new friend, whose name she still did not know, nor did she really care, took her hand and led her through the crowd. She had expected him to take her to the bar, but instead she soon found herself down a quiet corridor, which she knew led to Xavier's living quarters and the staff car park.

  “I thought we were getting a drink?” she asked confused.

  “Yeah, sweetheart, we'll get in a drink in a minute,” he whispered, leaning in close.


  “What's the rush baby?” He asked moving closer.

  Feeling suddenly awkward and uncomfortable, she moved back slightly, but he moved with her and before she knew it, she had backed into a wall. The man brought one hand to the side of her neck, the other was on her hip.

  “You're gorgeous, did you know that?” he breathed out in a low husky tone, the stench of beer heavy on his breath.

  “Ah...” she pushed at his chest letting out an awkward laugh.

  His body moved in closer to hers, pinning her against the wall, she could feel his excitement pressing into her and tried to shrink away from him.

  His lips were at her neck and she could feel his wet tongue running along her bare skin. It made her shudder. Again she tried to push him, but he was too strong.

  “What's the matter baby?”

  “I just want to go to the bar now,” she asserted.

  “Yeah we will. I said we would, later.”

  His lips came to hers, they were rough and his tongue was licking at her sealed lips, fighting to gain entry into her mouth. As she tried to speak, to tell him no, he darted his tongue into her mouth. His tongue invading her mouth, made her want to vomit, her stomach flipped, she had to get out of this situation. This was not what she had intended.

  Struggling in his grip, he pulled back and looked into her face. He was not a bad looking man, but in this moment, she thought he had the face of a monster.

  “Oh you’re a feisty one aren't you baby?” he laughed. “Okay, okay, if you want it, I'll give it to you alright?”

  “No...I don't,” she blurted, pushing at his chest.

  He reached down and grabbed at the waistband of her jeans.

  “No, stop it,” she yelled.

  The music had started again and she knew no one would be able to hear her. Where was Xavier? Someone? Anyone?

  “Oh, I know you want me baby,” he growled. He had the top butto
n of her jeans undone and was roughly shoving his hand into her pants, grabbing at her sensitive parts.

  She kicked out at him, trying to stab him with one of her heels.

  “Let me go,” she cried out. She had been so stupid, she should have gone with Asha.

  “She said let her go,” she heard a loud booming voice.

  Looking up she saw him. He was not as tall as her aggressor, but he was a bigger, broader man.

  “Dex,” she whispered.

  “Fuck off mate,” the man gruffed out and she realised she didn't even know his name. “This is none of your business.”

  “The hell it's not,” Dex yelled charging at the man. Grabbing him around the neck and pulling him away from her, throwing him to the ground. His fist flew into the man's face and head. He then managed to roll Dex over and suddenly he was on top, punching Dex.

  “Dex!” Maddie yelled out, grabbing at the man's shirt in a vain effort to pull him away.

  “What's going on?” came Xavier's voice from behind her.

  The distraction, gave Dex the upper hand and he managed to roll from under his aggressor and climbed on top of him again, hitting and punching. Xavier ran to the men and pulled at Dex's shirt, yelling at him to stop. Out of nowhere the two security guards who were previously manning the door were also there, pulling the two men away from each other.

  Dex's eyes were wild with rage. One security guard held the tall man by the arms, whilst Xavier and the other guard held onto Dex.

  “What the hell is going on?” Xavier's eyes darted between Maddie and the two men.

  “This fucking low-life was attacking Maddie.” Dex yelled furiously, droplets of spittle and blood flying from his mouth.

  “The slut wanted it,” the tall man sneered. “She was begging for it.”

  Without warning, Xavier flew at him, landing a punch to his nose, forcing blood to explode from his face.

  “What the fuck? You broke my nose.” The man spluttered.

  “Get him out of here,” he said to the guard, then turning back to the man he added, “If I ever, ever see your face in my club again, I will be breaking more than your nose.”

  Maddie stood stunned, she had never seen her brother so furious. When they were younger he had stood up to their dad a few times, but never with so much force as he did just now. She was kind of in awe that anyone would do that for her. And Dex? What about Dex? Where had he even come from? He had been hit too, it was all her fault.

  Dex and Xavier exchanged a few quiet words, whilst she stood watching, her mind reeling. She had caused all this, her and her stupid jealousy.

  “You okay Fly?” Xavier asked placing a bloodied hand on her shoulder.

  She looked down to his hand, then back up to him and nodded. Had he really broken that guy’s nose? She hoped he didn't get into trouble for that.

  “Are you?”

  “Yeah I'm good kid,” he leant forward and kissed her on the forehead, turned, nodded at Dex and walked away.

  She was alone with Dex. She did not know what to do. What to say. He was staring at her, but she could not bring herself to look at him, instead focusing on the wall off to the side, the floor, the door down the hall.

  “Thank you,” she finally forced out, still not making eye-contact, feeling that she had to say something.

  His hand came down on her shoulder, ever so gently, his touch almost as light as a feather, which was a huge contrast to the last touch she had felt.

  “Are you okay?”

  She nodded, still looking away. His fingers came her chin, coaxing her to turn her face to him. She did not want to look at his face, but she had little choice, she still avoided his eyes, if she looked into his eyes, she thought she might crumble. He had a large red mark on the left side of his face, that she was sure would bruise, perhaps more under his beard. She knew he had been hit several times, she had heard the man's fists connecting with his face. The sound had made her feel sick to the stomach.

  “I'm sorry,” she whispered.

  His eyes ran down her body, taking her in, it was then she realised her pants were hanging open and he lacy undies were showing. Her hands quickly darted down to rectify her situation.

  “Did he hurt you?” he asked, the tone of his voice so gentle.

  “Dex,” a feminine came voice from behind them, before she had a chance to reply.

  “Not now Trixie,” Dex snapped at the woman.

  Trixie? Who called their kid Trixie? She must be a stripper, yuck.

  “C'mon baby,” Trixie whined.

  “I said, not now Trixie.”

  “But you said...”

  Dex spun around toward the woman, “I don't care what you think I said Trix. I said not now. Now fuck off!”

  Trixie pouted and brought a hand to her hip. Eyeing Maddie up and down. Maddie was not sure whether to be amused or insulted. Who did this thing think she was? What was she to Dex anyway? Not that is was any of her business. It was not like she was anything to Dex, he had made that perfectly clear.

  “Whatever,” she eventually spat out at him, “Don't expect me to be waiting for you when you can't get what you want out of her.”

  “Oh don't you be worrying about that,” he huffed out a laugh as she turned in her ridiculous boots and stalked off.

  Turning back to her, he rubbed a hand over his bearded chin, “I'm sorry you had to witness that. It was my fault wasn't it?”

  “What? What do you mean?” she asked him confused.

  “This whole thing.” He waved his hands around the area, then between them both.

  “Dex,” she let out a sigh.

  “I know, I shouldn't have come here.”

  “So why did you?” Now she made eye-contact, she searched his eyes, looking for the answer. The answers to why he said he did not want her, and yet he kept turning up, everywhere she went. It was like he was taunting her. Throwing in her face the fact that he he didn't want to be with her.

  His leant forward, placing his hand against the wall beside her head. Hurt suddenly flooding his features.

  “I don't know Madd, I just can't seem to stay away from you,” he gave her a sad smile.

  He was close, so close, she wanted to kiss him, but did not know if he would let her, did not know if it would be right. She was so sick of fighting the urges she had around him. She wanted him so much.

  Placing one hand to his chest, she moved closer, he did not pull away.

  “Then don't, don't stay away any more,” she whispered, before tentatively reaching up and touching his lips with hers, ever so slightly.

  His lips were soft, sweet, nothing like the roughness of the man who had kissed her not half an hour earlier. At first he did not reciprocate and she went to pull back, feeling stupid. She had over-stepped the mark, once again. But as she went to pull back, she felt his lips move beneath hers, softly, gently at first, then gradually harder. Then she felt his hand come to the back of her neck, pulling her in closer. His tongue gently touching her lips as she opened her mouth, inviting him in.

  Chapter 18

  The look in Dex's eyes was one of pure lust, Maddie thought he might just devour her, and she might just let him.

  Somehow they made it through the house and into her bedroom. She tore at his clothes desperate to see what he was hiding beneath his button up shirt. There had been glimpses along the way, but her eyes were now as hungry as her fingers as she tore at the buttons. Not making her wait, Dex pulled the edges away baring what she knew would be a wall of tattooed muscle. Her eyes scanned his chest, taking it all in, all man every inch of him.

  Tugging at the hem of her own top, she wiggled as she slipped it up and over her head. Feeling Dex's burning gaze as it turned to her breasts as they threatened to burst out of her red lacy bra. Suddenly grateful she was wearing matching underwear, but she doubted he would care too much at this point. His hand slipped to her back and her breasts sprung free as he released the clasp. She pressed her hard nipples against his chest and
heard a low moan escape his throat. His hands ran up the side of her body, leaving a burning trail everywhere they touched.

  She was so inexperienced with men, Tom was the only man she had been with and that was so long ago. Anxiety flooded her, at the thought that Dex would know she had little idea of what she was doing.

  “Dex,” she whispered as his tongue snaked down her neck and over her collarbone.


  “I don't....I mean, it's been a long time.”

  He stopped what he was doing, taking a step back and brought his eyes to hers. Oh no, she thought, he's changed his mind, disappointment coursed through her, followed by embarrassment as she stood half naked in front of him. She was grateful for the low light at least, just the moonlight shining through her window.

  His hand shot out and he cupped the side of her face, she leant into his hand. “I'm so sorry sweetheart,” he said with a sad smile.

  She pulled away and brought her arm up to cover herself, searching frantically for her top, she had not felt so much shame in all her life.

  “Hey,” he said grabbing at her arms. “I am really sorry. I'm such an asshole. I didn't mean to push you into something you're not ready for.”

  He wasn't rejecting her because of her inexperience? He thought she wasn't ready? She was so ready. Dropping her arms from her breasts she reached out, running her fingers down his chest, he was burning up. His body felt as hot as her own.

  “I thought....” she trailed off as her eyes fell to where she could see his bulging pants.

  Dex's finger slipped under her chin, forcing her eyes back up to meet his. “What baby? What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?”

  “I thought maybe you wouldn't want me because I don't have much, y'know,” she waved her hands between them. “Experience—I mean, I've not been with anyone for a long, long time. I'm not like other girls. I'm not like Trixie.”

  “Is that what you think? Huh?”

  She nodded her head, feeling colour coming to her cheeks, feeling so foolish.